More arm android box conversion adventures

TL;DR: Still failing. Gave up again.

Back when I bought a RK3066 based device, I had seen rockchip developers start contributing directly upstream.  However, the RK3066 just missed the boat, and while I poked and prodded a bit, it was all just a bit too difficult and a bit too complicated a bit too much not much fun.  Still, I followed what was going on.  The plan was to use the swell of consumer electronics to get a cheap android tv box that I could run linux on, and use as a small home server.  “Just use a raspi” you say.  Well, no.  Raspi3 is at least decently powerful, but running everything off a sdcard, and not having a case is really not what I was looking for.  Little tiny cute black boxes, with a remote control and a power supply and ethernet and usb shipped for $30?  That’s what I want to reuse.  Rockchip continued to contribute upstream, so I bought a MXQ 4K (RK3229).  New hotness I thought, but the cheap end.  I still believed that rockchip was doing the best job of upstream support.  Note: My copy of this device has a much smaller heatsink, Spectek flash, not Sandisk, and some generic no name ram chips. (See pics)

Top side, smaller heatsink, no name ram.

Top side, smaller heatsink, no name ram.

Maybe they are.  And I’ve not worked on amlogic or sunxi chips, but goddamn, the work environment is still just as sucky.  A garbage world of “custom roms” and complicated documentation detailing multiple ways of doing things with rarely any explanation of why.  I’ve still no idea, but some things seem a little clearer than last time… maybe?

If you just want to run linux, in _theory_ you can just use the existing android kernel shipped stock.  It has support for all your hardware, you just need to replace the root file system (RFS) and amend the kernel command line to say where your rootfs is.  Except, because some of the drivers are actually separate binary proprietary modules, you end up needing a fucking initrd/initramfs timewaste so it can have such core details like a functional fucking nand driver.  Why the fuck rockchip is keeping _this_ bit proprietary is beyond me.  So that gets non-trivial quickly.  You can in theory extract the modules from your android system image.  If you have a stock firmware, (“update.img”) you can use rkunpack from the rkflashtool repository.  you’ll probably have to unpack more than once.  Documentation on what’s what is less than forthcoming.  The “system.img” wil be a raw ext4 image (in theory) and you can mount it locally to explore with “sudo mount -o loop blah.img somemountpoint”

anyway, while some of this is just for my own notes, not really for anyone else, one thing has stuck out.  First, the default serial console is at 1500000 baud.  Thanks for nothing rockchip.  On a cp2102 serial dongle, you’ll need to use the silabs baud rate aliasing software to get to this baud rate.  Thanks for nothing silabs. and yeah, again, thanks for nothing rockchip.  The serial console is in the picture below.

Bottom side, spectek flash, serial console details

Bottom side, spectek flash, serial console details

Oh yeah, the “thing that has stuck out”  Despite being “unbrickable” because they have a maskrom bootloader, and normally just going into recovery mode,  I’ve had great difficulty.  After some bad flashing,  (bad why? no idea, rkflashtool or upgrade_tool both successfully report the flashing complete, then I reboot, and get…. bad things) the serial console will hang on a line like…

Bus Width=32 Col=10 Bank=8 Row=15 CS=1 Die Bus-Width=16 Size=1024MB
Boot1 Release Time: 2016-03-15, version: 2.31
ChipType = c 275
No.1 FLASH ID:2c 64 64 56 a5 4
ReadRetry pageadd=15d800  ecc=3c err=ffffffff
Read pageadd=15d800  ecc=3c err=ffffffff
spare: 0x0:b8679151 b8679151 b8679151 b8679151 
ReadRetry pageadd=15d801  ecc=3c err=ffffffff
Read pageadd=15d801  ecc=3c err=ffffffff
spare: 0x0:527ded0c 527ded0c 527ded0c 527ded0c 
SdmmcInit=0 20
StorageInit ok = 134644
SecureMode : SBOOT_MODE_NS
powerOn 812121
Usb re Boot. 6812118

At this point, rkflashtool v will “fail” like so… (notice mangled text)

$ rkflashtool v
rkflashtool: info: rkflashtool v5.2
rkflashtool: info: Detected RK322X...
rkflashtool: info: interface claimed
rkflashtool: info: chip version: 322A-��..��-��

upgrade_tool will still say the device is connected, in “Loader” mode, and TestDevice, ReadFlashID, ReadFlashInfo and ReadChipInfo all still work. But attempting to download any image will fail saying parameter is invalid. rkflashtool p agrees.

 rkflashtool p
rkflashtool: info: rkflashtool v5.2
rkflashtool: info: Detected RK322X...
rkflashtool: info: interface claimed
rkflashtool: info: reading parameters at offset 0x00000000
rkflashtool: info: size:  0x0000ffff
rkflashtool: fatal: Bad parameter length!

One time this happened, I got out of it by having the USB-A-A cable disconnected (oh yeah, A-A for OTG? thanks for fucking nothing rockchip, hooray port overloads and reverse powering disasters) holding the recovery button down (with a toothpick down the SPDIF hole. (button down the AV hole _should_ be different but seems to behave the same for me)) and then plugging in the main power supply. Perhaps it had been a problem with powering the device purely via the A-A cable as I’d normally been doing?

Who knows. It’s currently in this state again, the unbrickable “bricked” Even shorting pins 7-8 on the NAND chip itself and powering up isn’t helping. (The “standard” rockchip method of getting back to maskrom mode) I get a different log, but it’s still non-responsive, even after inserting the A-A cable. (Still in loader, but not really working)

DDR Version V1.04 20160504
Bus Width=32 Col=10 Bank=8 Row=15 CS=1 Die Bus-Width=16 Size=1024MB
Boot1 Release Time: 2016-03-15, version: 2.31
ChipType = c 276
No.1 FLASH ID:2c 64 64 56 a5 4
FlashLoadPhyInfo fail 2bc!!
sync para 32
sync para 32
ReadRetry pageadd=15d800  ecc=3c err=ffffffff
Read pageadd=15d800  ecc=3c err=ffffffff
spare: 0x0:b8679151 b8679151 b8679151 b8679151 
ReadRetry pageadd=15d801  ecc=3c err=ffffffff
Read pageadd=15d801  ecc=3c err=ffffffff
spare: 0x0:527ded0c 527ded0c 527ded0c 527ded0c 
SdmmcInit=0 20
StorageInit ok = 93093
SecureMode : SBOOT_MODE_NS
powerOn 770567
Usb re Boot. 6770565

So. No results, no future, but at least a weird log for the internet to archive if it helps anyone sometime.

More excessive customs and handling fees

Bought a somewhat fancy keyboard. (more on that later) Bought some custom made icelandic keys to go on it. Paid regular VAT on both. Bought some plastic inserts to help mount the new custom keys on the new keyboard. Got charged 7.5% customs. What? What is this duty for? It’s certainly not protecting any local industry. And it’s not to cover recycling of the parts or their packaging, there’s a separate charge for that. Still, only 7.5% still “not much” in the scheme of things. And then of course, the ever delightful hammer of icelandic online shopping, the flat rate 550kr “handling charge” of Iceland post. Effective net percentage on top for “fees”? 72.4% That’s unreasonable. I’m not complaining about VAT, (even though, because too many companies in europe don’t know how to take VAT off to send to Iceland, outside the EU, I’d already paid VAT in another country for this order) I’m complaining about the excessive handling charges with no alternative path. Good job Icelandic Customs, they legally allow “any” charge by the handler. Of course, I can’t control what shipping partner my parts are eventually delivered by, so I have no way of avoiding this. Iceland Post offers no way of preprocessing or providing more information to reduce or eliminate the charge either. It’s simply an impediment on trade, with no gains for anyone other than the postal service.20160630-customs-keyboard-parts-real

oh udev. oh yes

I try and do the “right thing” when it comes to the future and how linux distros see their roles and the way things should be.  I think systemd has some generally good ideas, though I think upstart has far far better documentation.  Anyway, given that linux distros still “protect” users from plugging in usb devices, except for all those ones that they _don’t_ protect you from, if you’re working with embedded electronics, sooner or later you need to “fix” permissions for some device you have.  No matter, the canonical advice for a “long time” has been something like adding a file in /etc/udev/rules.d/doesnt_really_matter.rules with some content like…

ATTRS{idVendor}=="aaaa", ATTRS{idProduct}=="bbbb", GROUP="plugdev"

And you added yourself to the plugdev group, and everything was pretty much ok. Now, it’s the “future” and we can’t use anything so silly and outdated as groups to assign permissions. Heaven help us, what would become of us all if people just used groups?! Now we need to use “tags” and a magical “uaccess” incantation. Except for all those devices that we do use groups for, like usb modems, usb serial ports, usb printers, wireshark capture permissions, virtualization, colour correction devices, basically everything except “unknown” devices.

But ok, good and well, we’ll learn the new magic incantation for udev….

ATTRS{idVendor}=="aaaa", ATTRS{idProduct}=="bbbb", TAGS+="uaccess"

And…. it doesn’t work. Why? Good fucking luck finding out. If you’re lucky, someone might suggest that the name of your file isn’t right. Why should that matter? Welllll. because it does. See and for some hints and clues.

TL;DR: pretty much must be named 70-doesnt-matter.rules. At least until system decides that it should be a different number without documenting it anywhere.

Disable Alt-F1 shortcut on gnome

Current versions of gnome’s “Keyboard shortcuts” control panel applet don’t have an entry for “System->Show the activities overview“, so you can’t edit it.  Instead, it’s hard coded to the winkey, and  Alt-F1.  No. Bad gnome.  Don’t do that. I want to use that, (in my case, in IntelliJ)

What to do?

gsettings to the rescue.

$ gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings panel-main-menu
['<Super>s', '<Alt>F1']
$ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings panel-main-menu "['<Super>s']"


Using NetBeans for STM32 development with OpenOCD

This post supersedes it has been updated for 2016 and current best software tools.  Again, this is only focussed on a linux desktop environment.

Required pieces haven’t changed much, you still need:

  1. A tool chain.
  2. GDB Server middleware (OR just a tool flashing if you want to live in the dark ages)
  3. A “sexy” IDE (If you disagree on wanting an IDE, you’re reading the wrong post)

Getting a toolchain

New good advice

Advice here hasn’t changed.  The best toolchain is still gcc-arm-embedded  They steadily roll out updates, it’s the blessed upstream of all ARM Cortex GCC work, and it has proper functional multilib support and proper functional documentation and bug reporting.  It even has proper multi platform binaries for windows and macs.  Some distros are packaging “arm-none-eabi-XXXXX” packages, but they’re often old, repackages of old, poorly packaged or otherwise broken.  As of November 2015 for instance, ArchLinux was packaging a gcc 5.2 binary explicitly for arm-cortex, that did not support the -mmcu=cortex-m7 option added in gcc 5.x series.  Just say no.

I like untarring the binaries to ~/tools and then symlinking to ~/.local/bin, it avoids having to relogin or start new terminals like editing .bashrc and .profile does.
~/.local/bin$ ln -s ~/tools/gcc-arm-none-eabi-5_2-2015q4/bin/arm-none-eabi-* .

Old bad advice

The internet is (now) full of old articles recommending things like “summon-arm-toolchain” (Deprecated by the author even) “code sourcery (lite)” (CodeSourcery was bought by Mentor, and this has been slowly killed off.  Years ago, this was a good choice, but all the work they did has long since been usptreamed)  You can even find advice saying you need to compile your own.  Pay no attention to any of this.  It’s well out of date.

GDB Server middleware

New good advice

Get OpenOCD. Make sure it’s version 0.9 or better. 0.8 and 0.7 will work, but 0.9 is a _good_ release for Cortex-M and STM32 parts. If your distro provides this packaged, just use it. Fedora 22 has OpenOCD 0.8, Fedora 23 has OpenOCD 0.9. Otherwise, build it from source

Old bad advice

Don’t use texane/stlink.  Just don’t.  It’s poorly maintained, regularly breaks things when new targets are introduced and not nearly as flexible as OpenOCD.  It did move a lot faster than OpenOCD in the early days, and if you want a simpler code base to go and hack to pieces for this, go knock yourself out, but don’t ask for help when it breaks.


No major changes here, just some updates and dropping out old warnings.  You should still setup your toolchain in netbeans first, it makes the autodetection for code completion much more reliable.  I’ve updated and created new screenshots for Netbeans 8.1 the latest current release.

First, go to Tools->Options->C/C++->Build Tools and Add a new Toolchain…

Adding a new toolchain to netbeans

Adding a new toolchain to netbeans

Put in the “Base directory” of where you extracted the toolchain.  In theory netbeans uses the base directory and the “family” to autodetect here, but it doesn’t seem to understand cross tools very well.

Base path for new toolchain and name

Base path for new toolchain and name

Which means you’ll have to fill in the names of the tools yourself, as shown below.  Click on “Versions” afterwards to make sure it all works.

Adding explicit paths to netbeans toolchains

Adding explicit paths to netbeans toolchains

“Versions” should show you the right thing already, as shown

Versions from our new toolchain (and an error from gdb we must fix)

Versions from our new toolchain (and an error from gdb we must fix)

If you’re getting the error about ncurses from gdb, this because newer gdb builds include the curses “tui” interface to gdb in the standard build.  (Yay! this is a good thing!)  However, as the g-a-e toolchains are all provided as 32bit, you may be missing the 32bit ncurses lib on your system.  On Fedora, this is provided in the ncurses-libs.i686 package.

Ok, now time to build something.  This is your problem, I’m going to use one of the libopencm3 test programs right now, specifically, (the stm32l1 version)

Programming your device

Netbeans doesn’t really have any great way of doing this that I know of.  You can use build configurations to have “run” run something else, which works, but it’s a little fiddly.  I should spend more time on that though.  (See later for a way of doing it iteratively via the debugger console in netbeans)

In the meantime, if you just want to straight out program your device:

$ openocd -f board/stm32ldiscovery.cfg -c "program usb-gadget0-stm32l1-generic.elf verify reset exit"

No need for bin files or anything, there’s a time and a place for those, and if you don’t know and can explain why you need bin files, then elf files are just better in every way.

Debugging your part

GDB is always going to be a big part of this, but, assuming you’ve got it flashed, either by programming as above, then you can debug in netbeans directly.  First, make sure OpenOCD is running again, and just leave it running.

$ openocd -f board/stm32ldiscovery.cfg

First, install the gdbserver plugin, then choose Debug->Attach Debugger from the menu.

Attach to a gdbserver

Attach to a gdbserver

  • Make sure that you have “gdbserver” as the debugger type.  (Plugin must be installed)
  • Make sure that you have “ext :3333” for the target.  By default it will show “remote host:port” but we want (need) to use “extended-remote” to be able to restart the process. (See the GDB manual for more details)
  • Make sure that you have the right project selected.  There’s a bug in the gdbserver plugin that always forgets this.

At this point, “nothing” will happen.  If you look at the console where OpenOCD is running, you’ll see that a connection was received, but that’s it.
Press the “Pause” button, and you will stop execution wherever the device happened to be, and netbeans will jump to the line of code. In this example, it’s blocked trying to turn on HSE, as there’s no HSE fitted on this board:

Source debugging in netbeans via OpenOCD

Source debugging in netbeans via OpenOCD

If you now set a breakpoint on “main” or anywhere early and press the “Restart” icon in the top, OpenOCD will restart your process from the top and stop at the first breakpoint. Yay!  If restart fails, make sure you used “extended-remote” for the target!


If you click the “Debugger console” window, you can actually flash your code here too.  Leave the debugger running!  (No need to stop the debugger to rebuild) Make a change to your code, rebuild it, and then, on the “Debugger console” just enter “load” and press enter.  You’ll see the OpenOCD output as it reflashes your device.  As soon as that’s done, just hit the “Restart” icon in netbeans and start debugging your new code!

Protecting the domestic LED strip industry – Icelandic super taxes

Blah, another post about excessive import duties.  Boring, sure, but as heavy and obnoxious as always, and writing them all down gives me a nice record of them.


73% net import tax on 1480kr purchase price.

Bought a 1m strip of WS2812 led strip lighting.  $11.11, including shipping, or 1480 kr at today’s rates.  10% import duty, not sure why _this_ gets a duty charge, and not other electronics.  It can’t be an ewaste tariff, because none of the other electronics I’ve imported gets it, so I can only presume it’s protecting the nascent (non-existant) icelandic led strip manufacturing industry.  25% VSK,  Ok, expecting this, that’s just what VSK is.  and then the glorious 550kr fixed handling charge.  Some parcels get this, some don’t.  No way to control it, so no way to know in advance whether you should buy more on an order or not.  Hooray for consistency.

Total sum of charges: 550+386+146 = 1082 kr giving us an effective net import tax of just over 73%.  Excellent.  I love inconsistently applied regulations.

Zhone 6748-A2 teardown, bootlog and OpenWrt thoughts

Warning, long post full of dumps and logs!

This is one of the varieties of CPEs that Vodafone in Iceland rents out.  It’s just called the “Zhone” box on, and this particular version is no longer provided, but an apparently identical version in a “sexy” case is still available.  They charge 650kr per month for this privilege.  I understand having to have the ISPs hardware for DSL, but we’re on a fibre connection here, so this is only serving as a plain old wireless router.  I finally got around to replacing it with a Xiaomi mini wifi running OpenWrt, which only cost me ~4000kr, so that will pay off fairly quickly.  So, a quick teardown for documentation purposes before returning it.  An internet search for the product name is…. unproductive.  It appears to be a customized version specifically for Vodafone Iceland.  (The full product code on the back is: 6748-A2-EU-0VF-D, and I found other references on line to another zhone cpe, 6219-X1-NA-0CC, for “Consolidated Communications”, presumably in north america?) Anyway. It’s a generally fairly capable device, it’s worked quite well for us, after a firmware update or two. It has VDSL/ADSL2+ support, 2 USB ports, 4 Lan, 1 Wan, 2 RJ11 Phone ports. 16meg flash, 64meg ram.

Board identifies as a Broadcom 96368MVWG, which is an OpenWrt supported reference platform as long as you can get an image loaded onto it. (I bet all the leds are wrong though)

More curiously, one of the board info commands identifies the device as a MitraStar 6748-A1. I wonder if zhone OEM’s their OEM work?

Pics and logs below. I’ve returned this board, I don’t really need any more projects, though it looks to be perfectly capable hardware.

Board top side full

Console wiring and DSL chip

The unused POTS section and wifi on the side

The unused POTS section and wifi on the side

Wifi section

Board back side (flash)

From the bootlog, and some other bits and pieces

raw bootloader attempts

Some bootloader command logs. It seems to have a lot in common with Zyxel bootloaders, despite being called CFE. However, The Zyxel tricks for ATEN and ATSE to get into full mode don’t seem to work, and I couldn’t get ATDU to dump memory either.

CFE> atbl
Board IP address                  :  
Host IP address                   :  
Gateway IP address                :   
Run from flash/host (f/h)         : f  
Default host run file name        : vmlinux  
Default host flash file name      : bcm963xx_fs_kernel  
Boot delay (0-9 seconds)          : 3  
Board Id (0-4)                    : 96368MVWG  
Number of MAC Addresses (1-32)    : 1  
Base MAC Address                  : 00:02:71:30:65:7f  
PSI Size (1-64) KBytes            : 128  
Main Thread Number [0|1]          : 0  

*** command status = 0
CFE> atsh

ZLD      Version       : V1.02(VFY.1)b6
Bootbase Version       : V1.18 | 05/10/2011
Vendor Name            : MitraStar Technology Corp.
Product Model          : 6748-A1
Serial Number          : 303171711
First MAC Address      : 00027130657F
Last MAC Address       : 00027130657F
MAC Address Quantity   : 01
Default Country Code   : CD
Boot Module Debug Flag : 00
RootFS      Checksum   : b307d772
Kernel      Checksum   : 8de663dd
Main Feature Bits      : C0
Other Feature Bits     :
	 	5a 59 60 03 00 00 00 33-30 33 31 37 31 37 31 31 
	 	00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00-03 41 13 00 00 00 

*** command status = 0

CFE> dd
Invalid command: "dd"
Available commands: 

CFE> atuw
Block0 is forbidden to write!

*** command status = -1
CFE> atur

--- I thought this was upload _from_ the board, but it wanted to receive a file instead

Starting XMODEM upload (CRC mode)....
rz -vv blah.bin 
rz: garbage on commandline
Try `rz --help' for more information.

*** exit status: 2
Thanks for using picocom
karlp@teros:~$ picocom --receive-cmd "rx -vv" -b 115200 /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_CP2102_USB_to_UART_Bridge_Controller_0001-if00-port0 
picocom v1.7

port is        : /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_CP2102_USB_to_UART_Bridge_Controller_0001-if00-port0
flowcontrol    : none
baudrate is    : 115200
parity is      : none
databits are   : 8
escape is      : C-a
local echo is  : no
noinit is      : no
noreset is     : no
nolock is      : no
send_cmd is    : sz -vv
receive_cmd is : rx -vv
imap is        : 
omap is        : 
emap is        : crcrlf,delbs,

Terminal ready

CFE> atur

Starting XMODEM upload (CRC mode)....
CC*** file: blah.bin
rx -vv blah.bin 

rx: ready to receive blah.bin
Retry 0: Got 0103 sector header
Retry 1: Got 0103 sector header
Retry 2: Got 0103 sector header
Retry 3: Got 0103 sector header
Retry 4: Got 0103 sector header
Retry 5: Got 0103 sector header
Retry 6: Got 0103 sector header
Retry 7: Got 0103 sector header
Retry 8: Got 0103 sector header
Retry 9: Got 0103 sector header
Blocks received: -1
rx: blah.bin removed.

Transfer incomplete

*** exit status: 128

Remote cancel, please download again...

*** command status = -1
CFE> athe
Available commands:
ATSE                show the seed of password generator
ATEN                set BootExtension Debug Flag
ATCR                Clear console screen
ATSH                dump manufacturer related data in ROM
ATUR                xmodem upload router firmware to flash ROM
ATUW                xmodem upload flash image to flash ROM
ATBL                Print boot line and board parameter info
ATDU                Dump memory or registers.
ATBR                Reset to default Romfile
ATGO                boot router
ATSR                system reboot
ATMB                Use for multiboot.
ATHE                print help

For more information about a command, enter 'help command-name'
*** command status = 0

CFE> atdu 0 100
**Exception 8: EPC=8041AD64, Cause=00000000 (Interrupt)
                RA=00000006, VAddr=32312C20

        0  ($00) = 00000000     AT ($01) = 8042C860
        v0 ($02) = 8040A304     v1 ($03) = 8041035C
        a0 ($04) = 00000000     a1 ($05) = 00000000
        a2 ($06) = 00000001     a3 ($07) = 20696E66
        t0 ($08) = 00000000     t1 ($09) = 80412C90
        t2 ($10) = 8052E93C     t3 ($11) = 8052EB90
        t4 ($12) = 8052E93C     t5 ($13) = 8052EB90
        t6 ($14) = 8041035C     t7 ($15) = 51011501
        s0 ($16) = 00000000     s1 ($17) = 646D2061
        s2 ($18) = 73735F69     s3 ($19) = 78206C65
        s4 ($20) = 5F696E5F     s5 ($21) = 6D616C0A
        s6 ($22) = 80411928     s7 ($23) = 80000000
        t8 ($24) = 80411928     t9 ($25) = 00000000
        k0 ($26) = 00000000     k1 ($27) = 00000000
        gp ($28) = 00000000     sp ($29) = 00000006
        fp ($30) = 00000002     ra ($31) = 00000006

Raw complete enormous bootlog

I’ve “hidden” some plain text ftp passwords that were in the boot log to protect the innocent/guilty, but this is otherwise plain.

CFE version 1.18.0-102.9 for BCM96368 (32bit,SP,BE)
Build Date: 05/10/2011 (eason@msgsw3-i7)
Copyright (C) 2000-2009 Broadcom Corporation.

Parallel flash device: name MX29GL128EH, id 0x2221, size 16384KB
ethsw: found bcm53115! CPU type 0x2A031: 400MHz, Bus: 160MHz,
Ref: 64MHz CPU running TP0 Total memory: 67108864 bytes (64MB)
Boot Address 0xb8000000

Board IP address                  :  
Host IP address                   :  
Gateway IP address                :   
Run from flash/host (f/h)         : f  
Default host run file name        : vmlinux  
Default host flash file name      : bcm963xx_fs_kernel  
Boot delay (0-9 seconds)          : 3  
Board Id (0-4)                    : 96368MVWG  
Number of MAC Addresses (1-32)    : 1  
Base MAC Address                  : 00:02:71:30:65:7f  
PSI Size (1-64) KBytes            : 128  
Main Thread Number [0|1]          : 0  

*** Press any key to stop auto run (3 seconds) ***
Auto run second count down: 0
Checking Reset button on GPIO 34 
Wait for Multiboot Service Packet...  0
Booting from only image (0xb8020000) ...
Code Address: 0x80020000, Entry Address: 0x802e7000
Decompression OK!
Entry at 0x802e7000
Closing network.
Disabling Switch ports.
Flushing Receive Buffers...
0 buffers found.
Closing DMA Channels.
Starting program at 0x802e7000
Linux version (penelope@CPESW2BS01) (gcc version 4.2.3)
#3 Fri Dec 21 15:15:04 CST 2012 Parallel flash device: name
MX29GL128EH, id 0x2221, size 16384KB 96368MVWG prom init CPU
revision is: 0002a031 Determined physical RAM map:
 memory: 03ece000 @ 00000000 (usable)
On node 0 totalpages: 16078
  DMA zone: 32 pages used for memmap
  DMA zone: 0 pages reserved
  DMA zone: 4064 pages, LIFO batch:0
  Normal zone: 93 pages used for memmap
  Normal zone: 11889 pages, LIFO batch:1
Built 1 zonelists.  Total pages: 15953
Kernel command line: root=31:0 ro noinitrd console=ttyS0,115200
brcm mips: enabling icache and dcache... Primary instruction
cache 64kB, physically tagged, 4-way, linesize 16 bytes. Primary
data cache 32kB, 2-way, linesize 16 bytes. Synthesized TLB refill
handler (21 instructions). Synthesized TLB load handler fastpath
(33 instructions). Synthesized TLB store handler fastpath (33
instructions). Synthesized TLB modify handler fastpath (32
instructions). PID hash table entries: 256 (order: 8, 1024 bytes)
Using 200.000 MHz high precision timer. Dentry cache hash table
entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes) Inode-cache hash table
entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) Allocating memory for DSP
module core and initialization code Allocated DSP module memory -
CORE=0x8108c700 SIZE=1666416, INIT=0x0 SIZE=0 Memory:
58848k/64312k available (2322k kernel code, 5448k reserved, 517k
data, 100k init, 0k highmem) KLOB Pool 1 Initialized: 1048576
bytes <0x80c00000 ... 0x80d00000> Calibrating delay loop...
398.33 BogoMIPS (lpj=199168) Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
NET: Registered protocol family 16 Total Flash size: 16384K with
128 sectors Address is too big. File system address: 0xb8020100
kerSysFlashInit zyxel_ivr usedBlkSize 524288 kerSysFlashInit
userdefcfg usedBlkSize 131072 registering PCI controller with
io_map_base unset SCSI subsystem initialized usbcore: registered
new interface driver usbfs usbcore: registered new interface
driver hub usbcore: registered new device driver usb BLOG v1.0
Initialized NET: Registered protocol family 8 NET: Registered
protocol family 20 Time: MIPS clocksource has been installed.
NET: Registered protocol family 2 IP route cache hash table
entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes) TCP established hash table
entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes) TCP bind hash table
entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes) TCP: Hash tables configured
(established 2048 bind 2048) TCP reno registered squashfs:
version 3.2-r2 (2007/01/15) Phillip Lougher squashfs: LZMA
suppport for by jro fuse init (API version 7.8) io
scheduler noop registered (default) PPP generic driver version
2.4.2 NET: Registered protocol family 24 bcm963xx_mtd driver v1.0
PCI: Enabling device 0000:00:0a.0 (0000 -> 0002) PCI: Setting
latency timer of device 0000:00:0a.0 to 64 ehci_hcd 0000:00:0a.0:
EHCI Host Controller ehci_hcd 0000:00:0a.0: new USB bus
registered, assigned bus number 1 ehci_hcd 0000:00:0a.0: irq 15,
io mem 0x10001500 ehci_hcd 0000:00:0a.0: USB f.f started, EHCI
1.00, driver 10 Dec 2004 usb usb1: configuration #1 chosen from 1
choice hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found hub 1-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
ohci_hcd: 2006 August 04 USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI)
Driver PCI: Enabling device 0000:00:09.0 (0000 -> 0002) PCI:
Setting latency timer of device 0000:00:09.0 to 64 ohci_hcd
0000:00:09.0: OHCI Host Controller ohci_hcd 0000:00:09.0: new USB
bus registered, assigned bus number 2 ohci_hcd 0000:00:09.0: irq
13, io mem 0x10001600 usb usb2: configuration #1 chosen from 1
choice hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found hub 2-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
usbcore: registered new interface driver usblp
drivers/usb/class/usblp.c: v0.13: USB Printer Device Class driver
Initializing USB Mass Storage driver... usbcore: registered new
interface driver usb-storage USB Mass Storage support registered.
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial
drivers/usb/serial/usb-serial.c: USB Serial Driver core
drivers/usb/serial/usb-serial.c: USB Serial support registered
for GSM modem (1-port) usbcore: registered new interface driver
option drivers/usb/serial/option.c: USB Driver for GSM modems:
v0.7.1 brcmboard: brcm_board_init entry kerSysScreenPciDevices:
0x14e4:0xa8d6:(slot 1) detected kerSysScreenPciDevices:
0x14e4:0x6300:(slot 9) detected kerSysScreenPciDevices:
0x14e4:0x6300:(slot 10) detected SES: Button Interrupt 0x1 is
enabled SES: LED GPIO 0x8018 is enabled Serial: BCM63XX driver
$Revision: 3.00 $ ttyS0 at MMIO 0xb0000100 (irq = 10) is a
BCM63XX ttyS1 at MMIO 0xb0000120 (irq = 11) is a BCM63XX
bcmxtmrt: Broadcom BCM6368B2 ATM/PTM Network Device v0.1 Dec 21
2012 14:59:47 Mirror/redirect action on u32 classifier
    input device check on 
    Actions configured 
TCP cubic registered
Initializing XFRM netlink socket
NET: Registered protocol family 1
NET: Registered protocol family 10
6WIND/LSIIT IPv6 multicast forwarding 0.1 plus PIM-SM/SSM with
*BSD API NET: Registered protocol family 17 NET: Registered
protocol family 15 Ebtables v2.0 registered 802.1Q VLAN Support
v1.8 Ben Greear  All bugs added by David
S. Miller  VFS: Mounted root (squashfs
filesystem) readonly. Freeing unused kernel memory: 100k freed
init started: BusyBox v1.00 (2012.12.21-07:03+0000) multi-call
binary mkdir: Cannot create directory `/tmp': File exists cp:
/etc/ppp/chat/*: No such file or directory cp: /etc/tls/*: No
such file or di

BusyBox v1.00 (2012.12.21-07:03+0000) Built-in shell (msh) Enter
'help' for a list of built-in commands.

Loading drivers and kernel modules... 

pktflow: module license 'Proprietary' taints kernel.
Broadcom Packet Flow Cache learning via BLOG enabled.
Created Proc FS /procfs/fcache
Constructed Broadcom Packet Flow Cache v0.1 Aug 17 2009 11:57:43
Broadcom Packet CMF (Experimental) Char Driver v0.1 Jun 30 2009
11:30:40 Registered<232> Broadcom Packet CMF (Experimental)
[6368-B2] v0.1 Jun 30 2009 11:30:40 Loaded bcmxtmcfg:
bcmxtmcfg_init entry adsl: adsl_init entry IPv6: add_dev failed
for dsl0 Broadcom BCMPROCFS v1.0 initialized Broadcom BCM6368B2
Ethernet Network Device v0.1 Dec 21 2012 14:59:09 KLOB extended
to 2 pools KLOB extended to 3 pools KLOB extended to 4 pools KLOB
extended to 5 pools Config Switch Through SPI Slave Select 0
ethsw: found bcm53115! dgasp: kerSysRegisterDyingGaspHandler:
bcmsw registered Broadcom Packet CMF (Experimental) SWC RESET.
Broadcom Packet CMF (Experimental) SWC INITIALIZED. KLOB extended
to 6 pools KLOB extended to 7 pools KLOB extended to 8 pools
IPv6: add_dev failed for pktcmf_sw_sar Broadcom Packet CMF
(Experimental) Forwarder Net Device 0 v0.1 Jun 30 2009 11:30:40
Registered IPv6: add_dev failed for pktcmf_sar_sw Broadcom Packet
CMF (Experimental) Forwarder Net Device 1 v0.1 Jun 30 2009
11:30:40 Registered Broadcom Packet CMF (Experimental) ENABLED.
eth3: MAC Address: 00:02:71:30:65:7F eth2: MAC Address:
00:02:71:30:65:7F eth1: MAC Address: 00:02:71:30:65:7F eth0: MAC
Address: 00:02:71:30:65:7F eth4: MAC Address: 2A:02:71:30:65:7F
PCI: Enabling device 0000:00:01.0 (0000 -> 0002) PCI: Setting
latency timer of device 0000:00:01.0 to 64 wl: srom not detected,
using main memory mapped srom info (wombo board) wl0: wlc_attach:
MAC addr from system pool. id:0x776c0000 wl0: MAC Address:
22:02:71:30:65:7F wl0: Broadcom BCMa8d6 802.11 Wireless
Controller dgasp:
kerSysRegisterDyingGaspHandler: wl0 registered DSP Driver: DSP
init stub Endpoint: endpoint_init entry Endpoint: endpoint_init
COMPLETED p8021ag: p8021ag_init entry 194 main, getpid = 197,
AppRegisterSignal AppRegisterSignal, mm pid = 197 MM
vendoerOSInit BOS: Enter bosInit bosTimerInit Enter bosAppInit
Exit bosAppInit BOS: Exit bosInit MM UITimer_Init MM rtpInit
UITimerProc [200] started RegisterSignal AppRegisterSignal, mm
pid = 200 Enter TaskCreate rtp TaskCreate - spawn new task rtp
Exit TaskCreate Enter TaskCreate rtcp TaskCreate - spawn new task
rtcp Exit TaskCreate rtpTask, getpid = 201, AppRegisterSignal
AppRegisterSignal, mm pid = 201 rtcpTask, getpid = 202,
AppRegisterSignal AppRegisterSignal, mm pid = 202 203

===== Release Version 4.02L.03 (build timestamp 121221_1515) =====

icf_port_open_ipc_channel path = /var/iptk_es.chanl
the open channel succeded 
exit from the es init 
[MRM]: Exitting function  with SUCCESS
[MRM]: Entering function 
ssk:error:19.696:lck_checkBeforeEntry:175:lock required during
maxPhysEndpt 2, maxVoipEndpt 0, numFxoEndpt 0, maxCodecs 18

ssk:error:19.840:rcl_loginCfgObject:228:write smb.passwd
===========Insert IP modules=========== ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006
Netfilter Core Team Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (518 buckets, 4144 max)
ssk:error:21.077:NfModuleFn:644:insmod ipt_connlimit.ko FAILED in

ssk:error:21.141:NfModuleFn:644:insmod xt_ether.ko FAILED in

ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
getsockopt failed strangely: No such file or directory
ssk:error:28.156:rutLan_addInterfaceToBridge:729:Add interface to
bridge, atm2 interface atm2 does not exist! interface atm2 does
not exist! SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such
device [Jan 01 00:00:28] radvd: ioctl(SIOCGIFFLAGS) failed for
br0: No such device [Jan 01 00:00:28] radvd: interface br0 does
not exist [Jan 01 00:00:28] radvd: error parsing or activating
the config file: /var/radvd.conf [Jan 01 00:00:28] radvd:
ioctl(SIOCGIFFLAGS) failed for br0: No such device [Jan 01
00:00:28] radvd: interface br0 does not exist [Jan 01 00:00:28]
radvd: error parsing or activating the config file:
/var/radvd.conf SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
ssk:error:28.815:rutLan_addInterfaceToBridge:729:Add interface to
bridge, ptm0.44 interface ptm0.44 does not exist! interface
ptm0.44 does not exist! SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device [Jan 01 00:00:28] radvd:
ioctl(SIOCGIFFLAGS) failed for br0: No such device [Jan 01
00:00:28] radvd: interface br0 does not exist [Jan 01 00:00:28]
radvd: error parsing or activating the config file:
/var/radvd.conf [Jan 01 00:00:28] radvd: ioctl(SIOCGIFFLAGS)
failed for br0: No such device [Jan 01 00:00:28] radvd: interface
br0 does not exist [Jan 01 00:00:28] radvd: error parsing or
activating the config file: /var/radvd.conf SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such
failed on br0! smd:error:29.052:oal_processEvents:841:detected
exit of dhcpd (pid=794) on fd 8
ssk:error:29.392:rutLan_addInterfaceToBridge:729:Add interface to
bridge, eth4.44 interface eth4.44 does not exist! interface
eth4.44 does not exist! SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device [Jan 01 00:00:29] radvd:
ioctl(SIOCGIFFLAGS) failed for br0: No such device [Jan 01
00:00:29] radvd: interface br0 does not exist [Jan 01 00:00:29]
radvd: error parsing or activating the config file:
/var/radvd.conf [Jan 01 00:00:29] radvd: ioctl(SIOCGIFFLAGS)
failed for br0: No such device [Jan 01 00:00:29] radvd: interface
br0 does not exist [Jan 01 00:00:29] radvd: error parsing or
activating the config file: /var/radvd.conf SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such
device ssk:error:31.485:rcl_lanIpIntfObject:349:start enable
trunking interfaces
ssk:error:31.485:rcl_lanIpIntfObject:351:bridge 0

ssk:error:31.485:rutPmap_enableTrunkingIntf:784:bridgeRef = 0

ssk:error:31.578:rutLan_addInterfaceToBridge:729:Add interface to
bridge, eth0.0 device eth0.0 is not a slave of br0 device eth0.0
entered promiscuous mode eth0.0: dev_set_promiscuity(master, 1)
device eth0 entered promiscuous mode eth0.0: add
33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface eth0.0: add
01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface eth0.0: add
33:33:ff:30:65:7f mcast address to master interface br0: port
1(eth0.0) entering learning state br0: topology change detected,
propagating br0: port 1(eth0.0) entering forwarding state eth0.0:
del 33:33:ff:30:65:7f mcast address from master interface eth0.0:
del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface
ssk:error:32.173:rutLan_addInterfaceToBridge:729:Add interface to
bridge, eth1.0 device eth1.0 is not a slave of br0 device eth1.0
entered promiscuous mode br0: port 1(eth0.0) entering disabled
state br0: port 1(eth0.0) entering learning state br0: topology
change detected, propagating br0: port 1(eth0.0) entering
forwarding state eth1.0: dev_set_promiscuity(master, 1) device
eth1 entered promiscuous mode eth1.0: add 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast
address to master interface eth1.0: add 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast
address to master interface eth1.0: add 33:33:ff:30:65:7f mcast
address to master interface br0: port 2(eth1.0) entering learning
state br0: topology change detected, propagating br0: port
2(eth1.0) entering forwarding state eth1.0: del 33:33:ff:30:65:7f
mcast address from master interface eth1.0: del 33:33:00:00:00:01
mcast address from master interface
ssk:error:32.623:rutLan_addInterfaceToBridge:729:Add interface to
bridge, eth2.0 ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth1.0: link becomes
ready eth1.0: add 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address to master
interface eth1.0: add 33:33:ff:30:65:7f mcast address to master
interface device eth2.0 is not a slave of br0 device eth2.0
entered promiscuous mode br0: port 2(eth1.0) entering disabled
state br0: port 1(eth0.0) entering disabled state br0: port
2(eth1.0) entering learning state br0: port 1(eth0.0) entering
learning state br0: topology change detected, propagating br0:
port 2(eth1.0) entering forwarding state br0: topology change
detected, propagating br0: port 1(eth0.0) entering forwarding
state eth2.0: dev_set_promiscuity(master, 1) device eth2 entered
promiscuous mode eth2.0: add 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address to
master interface eth2.0: add 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address to
master interface eth2.0: add 33:33:ff:30:65:7f mcast address to
master interface br0: port 3(eth2.0) entering learning state br0:
topology change detected, propagating br0: port 3(eth2.0)
entering forwarding state eth2.0: del 33:33:ff:30:65:7f mcast
address from master interface eth2.0: del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast
address from master interface WLmngr Daemon is running optarg=0
shmId=0 ssk:error:33.138:rutLan_addInterfaceToBridge:729:Add
interface to bridge, wl0 device wl0 is not a slave of br0 device
wl0 entered promiscuous mode br0: port 4(wl0) entering learning
state br0: topology change detected, propagating br0: port 4(wl0)
entering forwarding state br0: port 4(wl0) entering disabled
state br0: port 3(eth2.0) entering disabled state br0: port
2(eth1.0) entering disabled state br0: port 1(eth0.0) entering
disabled state br0: port 4(wl0) entering learning state br0: port
3(eth2.0) entering learning state br0: port 2(eth1.0) entering
learning state br0: port 1(eth0.0) entering learning state br0:
topology change detected, propagating br0: port 4(wl0) entering
forwarding state br0: topology change detected, propagating br0:
port 3(eth2.0) entering forwarding state br0: topology change
detected, propagating br0: port 2(eth1.0) entering forwarding
state br0: topology change detected, propagating br0: port
1(eth0.0) entering forwarding state
ssk:error:33.674:rcl_lanIpIntfObject:349:start enable trunking
interfaces ssk:error:33.674:rcl_lanIpIntfObject:351:bridge 1

ssk:error:33.675:rutPmap_enableTrunkingIntf:784:bridgeRef = 1

ssk:error:33.803:rutLan_addInterfaceToBridge:729:Add interface to
bridge, eth3.0 device eth3.0 is not a slave of br1 device eth3.0
entered promiscuous mode eth3.0: dev_set_promiscuity(master, 1)
device eth3 entered promiscuous mode eth3.0: add
33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface eth3.0: add
01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface eth3.0: add
33:33:ff:30:65:7f mcast address to master interface br1: port
1(eth3.0) entering learning state br1: topology change detected,
propagating br1: port 1(eth3.0) entering forwarding state eth3.0:
del 33:33:ff:30:65:7f mcast address from master interface eth3.0:
del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface eth1.0:
add 33:33:ff:00:00:00 mcast address to master interface
BcmAdsl_Initialize=0xC00ACC58, g_pFnNotifyCallback=0xC00E3944
Clocks for QPROC and AFE are being aligned with step through ...
AFE is aligned, i = 050, PhaseValue = -058, PhaseCntl =
0x7FCF0000 QPROC is aligned, i = 051, PhaseValue = -050,
PhaseCntl = 0x7FCF3FCD Clocks for QPROC and AFE are aligned with
syn_status AFE = 0x78, QPROC = 0x70 AFE phase control reg
@0xb0f570f8 default actual = 0x0021C38F, exp = 0x0021c38f QPRC
phase control reg @0xb0f5f0c0 default actual = 0x0421C38F, exp =
0x0421c38f pSdramPHY=0xA3FFFFF8, 0x55555555 0x55555555
*** XfaceOffset: 0x5FF90 => 0x5FF90 ***
*** PhySdramSize got adjusted: 0xD7650 => 0x10DD50 ***
AdslCoreSharedMemInit: shareMemSize=148109(148112)
AdslCoreHwReset:  pLocSbSta=82040000 bkupThreshold=3072
AdslCoreHwReset:  AdslOemDataAddr = 0xA3F99CC4
dgasp: kerSysRegisterDyingGaspHandler: dsl0 registered 
bcmxtmrt: MAC address: 2a 02 71 30 65 7f
bcmxtmrt: MAC address: 2a 02 71 30 65 7f
bcmxtmrt: MAC address: 2a 02 71 30 65 7f
bcmxtmrt: MAC address: 2a 02 71 30 65 7f
bcmxtmrt: MAC address: 2a 02 71 30 65 7f
ptm0.44: add 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
ptm0.44: add 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
ptm0.44: add 33:33:ff:30:65:7f mcast address to master interface
ptm0.42: add 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
ptm0.42: add 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
ptm0.42: add 33:33:ff:30:65:7f mcast address to master interface
Could not get lock! wlmngr_retrieve() failed! ptm0.0: add
33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface ptm0.0: add
01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface ptm0.0: add
33:33:ff:30:65:7f mcast address to master interface
ssk:error:37.595:rutCfg_getWanPppConnectionInfo:279: Now PPP is
TTY mode! eth4.0: add 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address to master
interface eth4.0: add 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address to master
interface eth4.0: add 33:33:ff:30:65:7f mcast address to master
interface ptm0.44: add 33:33:ff:00:00:00 mcast address to master
interface eth4.44: add 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address to master
interface eth4.44: add 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address to master
interface eth4.44: add 33:33:ff:30:65:7f mcast address to master
interface eth4.42: add 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address to master
interface eth4.42: add 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address to master
interface eth4.42: add 33:33:ff:30:65:7f mcast address to master
ptm0.42: add 33:33:ff:00:00:00 mcast address to master interface
eth4.0: add 33:33:ff:00:00:00 mcast address to master interface
fail to read /var/dnsmasq/dnsgw ptm0.0: add 33:33:ff:00:00:00
mcast address to master interface fail to read /var/dnsmasq/dnsgw
==== Dump of CMS AutoProvision Config====
Enable = 1
autoProvServerUrl =
autoProvPeriodicInterval = 1440
autoProvRetryInterval = 2
autoProvRetryMaxInterval = 10
set loglevel to Error
wlctl -i wl0 phytype > /var/wl0
wlctl -i wl0 phytype > /var/wl0
wlctl -i wl0 revinfo > /var/wl0
wlctl -i wl0 bands > /var/wl0bands
wlctl ver > /var/wlver
wlctl -i wl0 cap > /var/wl0cap
device wl0 left promiscuous mode
br0: port 4(wl0) entering disabled state
eth4.42: add 33:33:ff:00:00:00 mcast address to master interface
eth4.44: add 33:33:ff:00:00:00 mcast address to master interface
interface to bridge, wl0 device wl0 is not a slave of br0 device
wl0 entered promiscuous mode br0: port 4(wl0) entering learning
state br0: topology change detected, propagating br0: port 4(wl0)
entering forwarding state br0: port 4(wl0) entering disabled
state br0: port 3(eth2.0) entering disabled state br0: port
2(eth1.0) entering disabled state br0: port 1(eth0.0) entering
disabled state br0: port 4(wl0) entering learning state br0: port
3(eth2.0) entering learning state br0: port 2(eth1.0) entering
learning state br0: port 1(eth0.0) entering learning state br0:
topology change detected, propagating br0: port 4(wl0) entering
forwarding state br0: topology change detected, propagating br0:
port 3(eth2.0) entering forwarding state br0: topology change
detected, propagating br0: port 2(eth1.0) entering forwarding
state br0: topology change detected, propagating br0: port
1(eth0.0) entering forwarding state
smd:error:45.798:initLoggingFromConfig:705:failed to get lock,
ret=9809 atm0: no IPv6 routers present Starting celld
daemon...... celld: invalid option -- m voiceApp[2174] for config
sys started RegisterSignal atm1: no IPv6 routers present
AppRegisterSignal, voiceApp pid = 2174 BOS: Enter bosInit
bosTimerInit Enter bosAppInit Exit bosAppInit BOS: Exit bosInit
UITimerProc [2178] started RegisterSignal AppRegisterSignal,
voiceApp pid = 2178 watchdog: invalid option -- m Enter user
spaceRTNETLINK answers: No such device or address
succeeded, msgType = 268436096 interface wl0.1 does not exist!
interface wl0.2 does not exist! atm4: no IPv6 routers present
interface wl0.3 does not exist! atm2: no IPv6 routers present
ptm0.44: no IPv6 routers present softwareVersion = 1.02(VFY.1)b6
==== autoProvStart Parameters====
AutoProvActive = 1
AutoProvServerUrl =
AutoProvPeriodicInterval = 1440
AutoProvRetryInterval = 2
AutoProvRetryMaxInterval = 10
SoftwareVersion = 1.02(VFY.1)b6
to get WAN Connection object
auto-provision cmsGetMacAddress ptm0: no IPv6 routers present rm:
cannot remove `/var/2A027130657F.cfg': No such file or directory
wget: Unknown host
autoProv:error:47.977:autoProvStart:651:autoProvStart, error,
empty file /var/2A027130657F.cfg

ptm0.42: no IPv6 routers present
eth4.0: no IPv6 routers present
dspReinitNeeded,  > IC
zyims:error:48.163:lck_checkBeforeEntry:175:lock required during
cmsObj_getNextInSubTreeFlags phonePortInit NumOfPhyIntf = 2,
NumOfFxo = 0 eBOS: Enter bosInit ntering voiceDspEnter bosAppInit
Init Exit bosAppInit BOS: Exit bosInit endpoint_open COMPLETED
BroadcomPhoneInitEnter bosStartApp

bosAppRootTask() - Is it morning already? Spawning app task
(epoch #0)...

Initializing endExit bosStartApp
point with countAppResetDetectionEnable() - Enabled reset
detection. ry code 26 ,vrgEndptInitCfg.currentPowerSource=0
EndpointPacketTask, AppRegisterSignal getpid = 2568
AppRegisterSignal, mm pid = 2568 00:00:48 Endpoint Packet task
started with pid 2568 ...

celld.c-init_3g_dev()-3208:Fail to open
vendor_fdssk:error:48.212:main:318: WAN interface type is "Mixed

ptm0.0: no IPv6 routers present
mdio_write skfd = 3, phy_id = 0, reg = 0, val = 0x1140
mii register 0 is 0x1140
eth4: no IPv6 routers present
br0: port 4(wl0) entering disabled state
InValid Device Pin in CFE
WPS Device PIN = 11174066
wlctl -i wl0 phy_watchdog 0
wlctl -i wl0 wds none
wlctl -i wl0 up
wlctl -i wl0 down
wlctl -i wl0 mbss 1
wlctl -i wl0 bss -C 0 down
wlctl -i wl0 bss -C 1 down
wlctl -i wl0 bss -C 2 down
wlctl -i wl0 bss -C 3 down
wlctl -i wl0 ssid -C 0 't''w''e''a''k'
Setting SSID "tweak"
wlctl -i wl0 ssid -C 1 'G''u''e''s''t''1'
Setting SSID "Guest1"
wlctl -i wl0 ssid -C 2 'G''u''e''s''t''2'
Setting SSID "Guest2"
wlctl -i wl0 ssid -C 3 'G''u''e''s''t''3'
Setting SSID "Guest3"
wlctl -i wl0 cur_etheraddr 22:02:71:30:65:7F 2>/dev/null wlctl -i
wl0.1 cur_etheraddr ea:02:71:30:65:7c 2>/dev/null wlctl -i wl0.2
cur_etheraddr ea:02:71:30:65:7d 2>eth4.42: no IPv6 routers
present /dev/null wlctl -i wl0.3 cur_etheraddr ea:02:71:30:65:7e
2>/dev/null wlctl -i wl0 ap 1 wlctl -i wl0 infra 1 wlctl -i wl0
closed 0 wlctl -i wl0 country IS wlctl -i wl0 band b wlctl -i wl0
regulatory 0 wlctl -i wl0 radar 0 2>/dev/null wlctl -i wl0 spect
0 2>/dev/null wlctl -i wl0 nmode -1 wlctl -i wl0 mimo_bw_cap 1
wlctl -i wl0 chanspec -c 11 -b 2 -w 40 -s -1 Chanspec set to
0x2d0b wlctl -i wl0 wpa_cap -C 0 > /var/wpa_cap0 wlctl -i wl0
wpa_cap -C 0 0 2>/dev/null wlctl -i wl0 wpa_cap -C 1 >
/var/wpa_cap0 wlctl -i wl0 wpa_cap -C 1 0 2>/eth4.44: no IPv6
routers present dev/null wlctl -i wl0 wpa_cap -C 2 >
/var/wpa_cap0 wlctl -i wl0 wpa_cap -C 2 0 2>/dev/null wlctl -i
wl0 wpa_cap -C 3 > /var/wpa_cap0 wlctl: Unsupported wlctl -i wl0
wpa_cap -C 3 0 2>/dev/null wlctl -i wl0 maxassoc 16 wlctl -i wl0
bss_maxassoc 16 wlctl -i wl0 gmode Auto wlctl -i wl0
gmode_protection_override -1 wlctl -i wl0
gmode_protection_control 2 wlctl -i wl0 nmode_protection_override
- -1 wlctl -i wl0 protection_control 2 wlctl -i wl0 nreqd 0 wlctl
- -i wl0 wme 0 2>/dev/null wlctl -i wl0 afterburner_override 0
2>/dev/null wlctl -i wl0 ampdu 1 wlctl -i wl0 amsdu 1 wlctl -i
wl0 afterburner_override 0 wlctl -i wl0 wme 1 2>/dev/null wlctl
- -i wl0 wme_noack 0 2>/dev/null wlctl -i wl0 wme_apsd 1
2>/dev/null wlctl -i wl0 wme_bss_disable 0 wlctl -i wl0 rate 0
wlctl -i wl0 bg_rate 0 wlctl -i wl0 leddc 0 2>/dev/null wlctl -i
wl0 bg_mrate 18.0 wlctl -i wl0 rateset default wlctl -i wl0
rtsthresh 2347 wlctl -i wl0 fragthresh 2346 wlctl -i wl0 dtim 1
wlctl -i wl0 bi 100 wlctl -i wl0 frameburst 1 wlctl -i wl0
ap_isolate 0 wlctl -i wl0 pwr_percent 100 wlctl -i wl0
wmf_bss_enable 1 wlctl -i wl0.1 wmf_bss_enable 0 wlctl -i wl0.2
wmf_bss_enable 0 wlctl -i wl0.3 wmf_bss_enable 0 wlctl -i wl0 mac
none wlctPCM: Interrupt Masks l -i wl0 macmode---------------
wlctl -i wl0IrqMask                    = 0x0000070D 
wlctl -i wlIrqMask1                   = 0x00000000 
PCM_IUDMA->ctrl[0].intMask = 0x00000000 

wlctl -i wl0 chPCM_IUDMA->ctrl[1].intMask = 0x00000000 
anspec > /var/cu
PCM: Interrupt Status
- -----------------
IrqStatus                  = 0x002060B4 
IrqStatus1                 = 0x00000000 
PCM_IUDMA->ctrl[0].intStat = 0x00000000 
PCM_IUDMA->ctrl[1].intStat = 0x00000000 
PCM->pcm_pll_ctrl1         = 0xFC80287D 
PCM->pcm_pll_ctrl2         = 0xD0000000 
PCM->pcm_pll_ctrl3         = 0x380005C0 
PCM->pcm_pll_ctrl4         = 0x00000000 
PCM->pcm_int_pending       = 0x00000000 
PCM->pcm_int_mask          = 0x00000000 
PCM->pcm_ctrl              = 0x00000000 
PCM->pcm_chan_ctrl         = 0x00000000 
PCM_IUDMA->regs.ctrlConfig = 0x00000001 
PCM_IUDMA->ctrl[0].maxBurst = 0x00000008
PCM_IUDMA->ctrl[0].config = 0x00000000
PCM_IUDMA->stram[0].baseDescPointer = 0x2C604243
PCM_IUDMA->stram[0].stateBytesDoneRingOffset = 0xA1EF6C01
PCM_IUDMA->stram[0].flagsLengthStatus = 0x9103EFE2
PCM_IUDMA->stram[0].currentBufferPointer = 0xA1475F32
PCM_IUDMA->ctrl[1].maxBurst = 0x00000008
PCM_IUDMA->ctrl[1].config = 0x00000000
PCM_IUDMA->stram[1].baseDescPointer = 0x2653ACAA
PCM_IUDMA->stram[1].stateBytesDoneRingOffset = 0x03541527
PCM_IUDMA->stram[1].flagsLengthStatus = 0x60CF8124
PCM_IUDMA->stram[1].currentBufferPointer = 0x28C021E0 PLL init
completed. PLL registers set to: PCM->pcm_pll_ctrl1 = 0x0080147D
PCM->pcm_pll_ctrl2 = 0x10000000 PCM->pcm_pll_ctrl3 = 0x38000700
PCM->pcm_pll_ctrl4 = 0x00000015 Set up PCM registers
XDRV:pcm6368_timeslotAlloc 0xB0004040: 0x80000000

Channel 0 assigned to timeslot 0
XDRV:pcm6368_timeslotAlloc 0xB0004040: 0x89000000

Channel 1 assigned to timeslot 1
XDRV:pcm6368_timeslotAlloc 0xB0004040: 0x89A00000

Channel 2 assigned to timeslot 2
rxDescriptorArea       = 24 
txDescriptorArea       = 24 
Unaligned dmaRxDesc_c  = 0xA02E7000 
Unaligned dmaTxDesc_c  = 0xA032D000 
rxBufferArea          = 1312 
txBufferArea          = 1312 
Unaligned dmaRxData   = 0xA032E000 
Unaligned dmaTxData   = 0xA032F000 
Aligned Tx Desc (0xA032D000): chan 0, buf 0, sts 0xe000, len 640,
bufp 0x32f000 Aligned Tx Desc (0xA032D008): chan 0, buf 1, sts
0x7000, len 640, bufp 0x32f290 Aligned Rx Desc (0xA02E7000): chan
0, buf 0, sts 0x8000, len 640, bufp 0x32e000 Aligned Rx Desc
(0xA02E7008): chan 0, buf 1, sts 0x9000, len 640, bufp 0x32e290
initIudma: chan 0, descBase 0xa02e7000, descBaseIudma 0x2e7000
initIudma: chan 1, descBase 0xa032d000, descBaseIudma 0x32d000
br0: port 4(wl0) entering learning state br0: topology change
detected, propagating br0: port 4(wl0) entering forwarding state
Enter TaskCreate CMT_EXCEPTION_IST TaskCreate - spawn new task
CMT_EXCEPTION_IST Exit TaskCreate regStatus (reg 12 sel 0) =
0x10008501 regStatus (reg 12 sel 7) = 0x00000101 regCause (reg 13
sel 0) = 0x00000000 regCause (reg 13 sel 7) = 0x00808000 regCMT
(reg 22 sel 0) = 0xe31e1406 regCMT (reg 22 sel 1) = 0x10008001
XDRV:Kicking off secondary thread processor at entry point
0x8108C740 ...

XDRV:Secondary thread processor entry point at 0x8108c740

*** DSP TP: Entered main() ***
XDRV:Thread processor handshake. Secondary app initialized

Enter TaskCreate HTSK
TaskCreate - spawn new task HTSK
Exit TaskCreate 
INFO: IRQ MASK 0x0000000180308C81
INFO: IRQ STATUS 0x0000000180308CA6
- ---
SLIC: Starting 89116 device and line initializion...
SLIC: Resetting device using GPIO 10 ...
SLIC: Reset applied on GPIO pin 10SLIC: Initializing 89116 device
0 SLIC: Received VP_DEV_EVID_DEV_INIT_CMP event (i = 0) SLIC:
Found event: pEvent.eventCategory = 2 pEvent.eventId = 1024 SLIC:
89116 device 0 initialized OK SLIC: Initializing 89116 FXS line
SLIC: Received VP_LINE_EVID_LINE_INIT_CMP event (i = 0) SLIC:
Found event: pEvent.eventCategory = 2 pEvent.eventId = 2048
to get WAN Connection object ssk:error:49.987:ssk_main:828:cannot
handle msg type 0x10002000 ssk:error:49.989:ssk_main:828:cannot
handle msg type 0x10002000 ssk:error:49.992:ssk_main:828:cannot
handle msg type 0x10002000 ssk:error:49.994:ssk_main:828:cannot
handle msg type 0x10002000 ssk:error:49.997:ssk_main:828:cannot
handle msg type 0x10002000 ssk:error:49.999:ssk_main:828:cannot
handle msg type 0x10002000 ssk:error:50.002:ssk_main:828:cannot
handle msg type 0x10002000 ssk:error:50.003:ssk_main:828:cannot
handle msg type 0x10002000 ssk:error:50.006:ssk_main:828:cannot
handle msg type 0x10002000 ssk:error:50.008:ssk_main:828:cannot
handle msg type 0x10002000 ssk:error:50.010:ssk_main:828:cannot
handle msg type 0x10002000
smd:error:50.036:oal_processEvents:841:detected exit of tr69c
(pid=2172) on fd 29 device wl0 left promiscuous mode br0: port
4(wl0) entering disabled state device wl0 is not a slave of br0
device wl0 entered promiscuous mode br0: port 4(wl0) entering
learning state br0: topology change detected, propagating br0:
port 4(wl0) entering forwarding state br0: port 4(wl0) entering
disabled state br0: port 3(eth2.0) entering disabled state br0:
port 2(eth1.0) entering disabled state br0: port 1(eth0.0)
entering disabled state br0: port 4(wl0) entering learning state
br0: port 3(eth2.0) entering learning state br0: port 2(eth1.0)
entering learning state br0: port 1(eth0.0) entering learning
state br0: topology change detected, propagating br0: port 4(wl0)
entering forwarding state br0: topology change detected,
propagating br0: port 3(eth2.0) entering forwarding state br0:
topology change detected, propagating br0: port 2(eth1.0)
entering forwarding state br0: topology change detected,
propagating br0: port 1(eth0.0) entering forwarding state device
wl0.1 is not a slave of br0 device wl0.2 is not a slave of br0
SLIC: Received VP_EVID_CAL_CMP event (i= 120) SLIC: Found event:
pEvent.eventCategory = 2 pEvent.eventId = 64 SLIC: FXS line RX
timeslot = 0 SLIC: FXS line TX timeslot = 0 SLIC: 89116 FXS line
initialized OK SLIC: 89116 device 0 and FXS/FXO initializion
- ---
- ---
SLIC: Starting 89116 device and line initializion...
SLIC: Skipping SLIC chip reset
SLIC: Initializing 89116 device 1
SLIC: Received VP_DEV_EVID_DEV_INIT_CMP event (i = 0)
SLIC: Found event: pEvent.eventCategory = 2 pEvent.eventId = 1024
SLIC: 89116 device 1 initialized OK SLIC: Initializing 89116 FXS
line SLIC: Received VP_LINE_EVID_LINE_INIT_CMP event (i = 0)
SLIC: Found event: pEvent.eventCategory = 2 pEvent.eventId = 2048
device wl0.3 is not a slave of br0 Reaped 3200
UPnP::upnp_init:UPnP daemon is ready to run SLIC: Received
VP_EVID_CAL_CMP event (i= 126) SLIC: Found event:
pEvent.eventCategory = 2 pEvent.eventId = 64 SLIC: FXS line RX
timeslot = 2 SLIC: FXS line TX timeslot = 2 SLIC: 89116 FXS line
initialized OK SLIC: 89116 device 1 and FXS/FXO initializion
- ---
boardHalInit completed
Enter TaskCreate HRTBEAT
TaskCreate - spawn new task HRTBEAT
Exit TaskCreate 
Enter TaskCreate VRGEVPR
TaskCreate - spawn new task VRGEVPR
Exit TaskCreate 
Enter TaskCreate HCAS
TaskCreate - spawn new task HCAS
Exit TaskCreate 
gInterruptCounter     = 0x811729A4 
gInterruptErrors      = 0x8115FEA0 
gNextRxDesc           = 0x8115FE94 
gNextTxDesc           = 0x8115FE90 
32 ms ECAN tail-length
*** gStartRxDesc[0] = 0xA02E7000 
*** gBufferSizeBytes = 640 
*** gStartTxDesc[0] = 0xA032D000 
hal6368PcmInit 343 nextTxDesc = 0xA032D000 
hal6368PcmInit 343 nextTxDesc = 0xA032D008 
hal6368PcmInit 347 Ownership for TX desc not set. Use this
buffer. DSP: Interrupt Masks
- ---------------
IrqMask_high               = 0x0000070D 
IrqMask                    = 0x002060B4 
IrqMask1_high              = 0x40000000 
IrqMask1                   = 0x00000000 
PCM_IUDMA->ctrl[0].intMask = 0x00000005 
PCM_IUDMA->ctrl[1].intMask = 0x00000005 

DSP: Interrupt Status
- -----------------
IrqStatus_high             = 0x00000000 
IrqStatus                  = 0x00000040 
IrqStatus1_high            = 0x00000000 
IrqStatus1                 = 0x00000040 
PCM_IUDMA->ctrl[0].intStat = 0x00000000 
PCM_IUDMA->ctrl[1].intStat = 0x00000000 
entering ksocket_rtp_init
Enter TaskCreate ksocket_rtp
TaskCreate - spawn new task ksocket_rtp
Exit TaskCreate 
Enter TaskCreate ksocket_rtcp
TaskCreate - spawn new task ksocket_rtcp
Exit TaskCreate 
EndpointInit completed
dgasp: kerSysRegisterDyingGaspHandler: endpoint registered
UPnP::upnp_device_detach:br0: detach WFADevice.xml
EndpointEventTask, getpid = 3240 AppRegisterSignal, voiceApp pid
= 3240 00:00:54 Endpoint Event task started with pid 3240...

Send to PA successfully 
Enter TaskCreate voiceApp
TaskCreate - spawn new task voiceApp
voiceAppTask, getpid = 3241
AppRegisterSignal, voiceApp pid = 3241
voiceDspCoreChanClose, reset dsp pool and dsp channels
phonePortInit NumOfPhyIntf = 2, NumOfFxo = 0
Exit TaskCreate 
Send to PA successfully 
UPnP::upnp_device_attach:br0: attach WFADevice.xml
==== autoProvStart Parameters====
AutoProvActive = 1
AutoProvServerUrl =
AutoProvPeriodicInterval = 1440
AutoProvRetryInterval = 2
AutoProvRetryMaxInterval = 10
SoftwareVersion = 1.02(VFY.1)b6
auto-provision cmsGetMacAddress wget: Unknown host
autoProv:error:169.041:autoProvStart:651:autoProvStart, error,
empty file /var/2A027130657F.cfg

Importing wifi and the value of a CE mark

A while back I tried to buy a new wifi router.  I was sick of having to pay rental to my local ISP, now that we were on fibre and didn’t need any special DSL router.  I found a nice one online that ran OpenWrt, was a very nice price, and bought it.  Eventually, I got an email from local customs telling me in no uncertain terms that there was no way in hell I was having this device unless I could provide the CE documentation for it, and I could pay to have it destroyed, or get it sent back to the seller. is the local regulation covering this, basically, “All wireless communications devices need to have a CE mark. If they don’t, they’re illegal in Iceland”

Ok, well and good.  I understand the general purpose.  Reading the actual law, it turns out there’s a massive pile of loopholes if you phrase it right, first and foremost, “this is for my boat” but ok, so be it.  The device got sent back, the seller refunded me, nothing lost but time.

I kept looking for a suitable router though, and got used to looking at all the available pictures and sending emails to china asking if the device had a CE mark.  I got a “yes” reply on one finally and bought it.  Now, the parcel arrived, with this neat sticker on it:

Bad goods

Bad goods

Now, turns out this just means that it’s foreign sourced, and should have tax applied, but I think it’s interesting that this was simply delivered to me, with no request for further information.

Especially as, when I finally opened it up, it didn’t have a CE mark anyway!  (Lying sellers? who woulda thunk it!)  Ah well.  Unevenly applied regulations, nothing new there :(

Icelandic post handling fees

I’m against being charged an arbitrary handling fee for receving a parcel. I’m fine with paying the customs + VAT charges, but I hate having to pay a flat fee for “handling” on top of that. But, if you’re doing it, it should at least be consistent. I got a parcel recently, and the invoice stuck on the outside of the parcel showed the split charge of VAT and handling properly.

Split fees for handling and customs

Split fees for handling and customs

You can see why I hate the flat fee here, it’s more than entire sum of VAT, resulting in an effective import tax of >50% instead of 25% (961 kr fees on a 1712 kr value parcel). It comes down far too heavily on small imports

However, the receipt I got from the post office after paying this has split it differently, claiming it was “free” to deliver it to me, and lumping all the rest into one line item.

"free" delivery, merged customs and handling fees

“free” delivery, merged customs and handling fees

This receipt is weird. Why would you have a line item for “delivery” being free, and then throw away the prior knowledge of this as two line items, and merge them into one? Silly post office.

Facebook share scraping image selector open graph woes

So, the share buttons on my website have been giving blank images, or the wrong images for a while. You’re meant to go and add a whole bunch of OpenGraph meta tags, but W.T.F the tag for the image to use must be absolute. wat

No, really, WAT. For double fun wat, it must include the protocol too! You have to use a second tag if you want to use https!

So, using the “modern” og:image tags is just right out then. (for realz, who the fuck though absolute urls were a good idea. I generate galleries, the galleries just run on disk, you don’t need to know where in the site they’re mounted or anything) Web browsers themselves are perfectly capable of loading a relative url image. Facebook’s Object Debugger on the other hand, not so much. It will take an img with src=../blah.jpg" and turn it into http://domain/blah.jpg, completely ignoring the path sections.

However… it can deal with relative urls that don’t have .. in them. “src=img/blah.jpg” is perfectly ok. Dumb, dumb and dumber.

<img src="../blah.jpg"> FAIL
<img src="blah.jpg"> GOOD
<img src="relative/blah.jpg"> GOOD