I tried, I really did. I let the selinuxtroubleshooter run, I added exceptions, I tried to do it’s bidding and be a joyful comrade marching forwards to a secure perfect future. I’ve given up. Fuck this shit. The last straw was installing nginx, to serve up a few virtual hosts in the form of /home/domain/subdomain/{site,logs}
Errors in the journal like SELinux is preventing /usr/sbin/nginx from getattr access on the file . and then how to run grep on a log and feed it an audit tool that generates exceptions. Oh yes, that’s actually how you’re meant to do things. From past experience I knew it would only allow the first layer of the onion to unpeel and I’d have to keep adding exceptions, so I looked into what it was really complaining about.
Missing labels on THE ENTIRE WEBROOT labelling them as “httpd_sys_content_t” Right. Go fuck yourself SELinux. chcon -Rt httpd_sys_content_t /home/blah/wop No. No. No. I get it, you were only trying to stop me from inadvertently starting a webserver and…. serving web content… Actually, no, that’s not it. I was very fucking explicitly trying to start a webserver. I’d installed nginx, I’d added configs for the virtual hosts, and restarted nginx. That’s pretty damn explicit.
So, I gave up, I set SElinux to “permissive” so I could maybe see logs, and maybe feel inclined to work with it again in the future. But to avoid rebooting, I then did the old “echo 0 > /sys/fs/selinux/enforce” and then restarted nginx again. Now nginx works, but… now the journal is full of “detected unhandled Python exception in ‘/usr/sbin/setroubleshootd'” and stack traces following. So it’s over SELinux. You’re beyond dead to me, and I really, really tried to make it work.