Category Archives: spring

Multiple schemas in WSDL, jaxws, cxf, soapui and webmethods.

This is the _short_ version.

We write a few wsdls here. We’ve been exposing them with plain stock JAXWS built into java 6, along with JAX-WS Commons and regular spring. This has mostly been working fine. We even have some maven archetypes to generate the templates around this and it’s all well and good.

As long as your schemas and types are all in a single .wsdl file

You see, jax-ws commons is basically unmaintained. As you can see in the quickstart, you should just need this…

<wss:binding url="/sub">
      <ws:service bean="#myService" />
  <!-- this bean implements web service methods -->
  <bean id="myService" class="foo.MyService" >
      <property name="something" value="somevalue"/>

And, that actually works. Except…. Even if you started from a wsdl, and then created a service that implemented the wsdl, the wsdl jax-ws commons will expose at runtime is generated dynamically. So none of that documentation and and xml annotations you slaved over for hours/days/weeks are actually visible anywhere.

Ok, No big deal! It’s still all standards based, we just lost our documentation. Welllll. Only if you added more annotations specifying the namespaces. If you just have the @WebService(serviceInterface = “the.generated.from.wsdl.Interface”) jax-ws commons will make you a webservice whose runtime wsdl will have a namespace created from your implementation package name! (Instead of the originally defined wsdl namespace)

So you can add more annotations, oh, one of them is wsdl location! sweet! oh. no. It can’t reference into a jar.

So you look at the wss: namespace based config, oh look, we can specify the wsdl there too! Oh. no. It can’t reference into a jar. Hmm, the schema’s broken. primaryWsdl is an attribute, but can’t be used as such…

You check the documentation again, and give it a go… Ok, primaryWsdl is a child element? Ok! this seems to work!

Then you look at your runtime wsdl…

<xsd:import schemaLocation="Core_v1.xsd" namespace=""/>

Hmm, how’s it going to see that file at runtime? Oops. you’ve just made an invalid wsdl. Back to the docs….. what docs? There are none. but suffice to say, there’s a magic key that does what you want… ws:metadata It’s defined as taking a list of schemas. When you get this right, it knows how to magically create runtime links to them. Of course, there’s a bug for this, but no-one’s working on it.

Except, as we mentioned, jax-ws commons is effectively unmaintained. There’s a bug in the schema that only allows one metadata element, instead of a list. So you can go and use the full expanded plain old spring config. But good lord that’s ugly. And how on earth would you have survived this far?

    <wss:binding id="wscustomer" url="/services/customer1">
            <bean class="org.jvnet.jax_ws_commons.spring.SpringService">
                <property name="bean" ref="servicesCustomer1"/>
                <property name="impl" value=""/>
                <property name="primaryWsdl" value="customers_v1.wsdl"/>
                <property name="serviceName">
                    <bean class="javax.xml.namespace.QName">
                        <constructor-arg index="0" value=""/>
                        <constructor-arg index="1" value="customers_v1"/>
                        <constructor-arg index="2" value="tns"/>
                <property name="portName">
                    <bean class="javax.xml.namespace.QName">
                        <constructor-arg index="0" value=""/>
                        <constructor-arg index="1" value="customers_v1SOAP"/>
                        <constructor-arg index="2" value="tns"/>
                <property name="metadata">

There’s patches that aren’t applied, bugs not fixed, it’s a zoo. But yeah, you can make it work with the very manual and repetitive raw spring bean config.

But where did webmethods come into this?

Well, basically, it just fails abominably when it gets one of these wsdls that references unreachable schemas. And if you were using the autogenerated ones, and weren’t super careful, you ended up with types in webmethods that weren’t actually the same type.

Did I mention that when you import a wsdl into webmethods, it creates a doc type for every type, even if the same type has already been imported via another wsdl? It gives you a warning for each duplicate type, but fortunately, at run time, it seems acknowledge that the two types are actually the same thing. Thank god.

Enough of this shit.

Want to do the same thing with CXF?

     <jaxws:endpoint id="wsCustomer" implementor="#servicesCustomer1" wsdlLocation="customers_v1.wsdl" address="/customer1"
                    xmlns:kz="" serviceName="kz:customers_v1"

You still have to put in the serviceName and enpointName, even though they just copied from the wsdl itself but hey, it works, it’s way more intuitive, and it’s less typing.

(Don’t even get me started on the quality of the generated types from CXF vs JAXWS-Commons.)


Spring JAX-WS clients, with less config

More with less. I got rather annoyed at some of the default messages that came out of the JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean. Things like, “service name blah does not exist in the wsdl, did you mean wop?” Well, SURE! I told you the wsdl, there’s only one service, I mean THAT ONE!

So, I made my own port proxy factory….

Ugly old way

portname, serviceName and namespaceUri are all completely mechanical drudgery, but you have to get them exactly right.

    <bean id="oldStyleClient" class="org.springframework.remoting.jaxws.JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean">
        <property name="serviceInterface" value="full.class.path.IService"/>
        <property name="wsdlDocumentUrl" value="http://server:port/webapp/services/BlahService?wsdl"/>
        <property name="endpointAddress" value="http://server:port/webapp/services/BlahService"/>
        <property name="lookupServiceOnStartup" value="false"/>
        <property name="portName" value="BlahServiceSOAP"/>
        <property name="serviceName" value="BlahService"/>
        <property name="namespaceUri" value="http://some.namespace/from/the/wsdl/"/>

Sexy new way

Sexy ways are always better ways.

    <bean id="potsClient" class="is.vf.common.jaxws.SimpleJaxWsFactory">
        <property name="serviceInterface" value="full.class.path.IService"/>
        <property name="localWsdlName" value="/BlahService.wsdl"/>
        <property name="endpointAddress" value="http://server:port/webapp/services/BlahService"/>

Hooray! So how? Just xpath into the wsdl! I used dom4j, because I’ve already got that in my app, but you could use anything really. I briefly tried using the xml apis in the jdk, but gave up very quickly.

Full Source below

package blah;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.DocumentException;
import org.dom4j.Node;
import org.springframework.remoting.jaxws.JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean;
 * Set up a jaxws client with less effort.
 * Originally, I couldn't work out how to get spring/jaxws to reference a local wsdl file that was actually inside a jar.
 * And then, because I was damn sick of having to go and look up hardcoded strings from the wsdl just to copy into the config,
 * I decided to just read the damn wsdl and suck up the necessary blobs myself.
 * No guarantees that this will work on all wsdls, but most people use the wsdl: prefix right?
 * Now, the only _required_ parameters are, localWsdlName and serviceInterface! whee. 
 * @author karlp
 *         Date: 8.2.2010
public class SimpleJaxWsFactory extends JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean {
    private String localWsdlName;
     * use dom4j to determine what's in the wsdl.
     * (I tried using the java built in methods, but a) it's ugly, and b) it didn't work)
     * Then just go back to the parent to load up the rest of the properties, now that we've done  the tedious ones...
    public void afterPropertiesSet() {
        if (localWsdlName != null) {
            URL url = getServiceInterface().getResource(localWsdlName);
            Document doc;
            try {
                doc = new SAXReader().read(url);
            } catch (DocumentException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Shouldn't be getting exceptions reading your local wsdl!" + e.getMessage(), e);
     * This is the name of the wsdl, as seen in the jar containing the {@link serviceInterface}
     * @param localWsdlName the path to the wsdl in the containing jar
    public void setLocalWsdlName(String localWsdlName) {
        this.localWsdlName = localWsdlName;

xfire, inheritance and annotations, via spring

Yuck, xfire sure was about 1000% better than axis, but compared to modern jax-ws and contract first, it really can be just painful sometimes. So, I had some subclasses I wanted to expose over web services, but the directions for inheritance in xfire, either with Aegis or JaxB, both rely on you having horribly verbose spring configs.

We just use @WebService annotations, but we still needed a way to list these extra types that should be listed in the generated wsdl. (It’s worth noting that you get no errors if you don’t do this, but only fields from the parent class will be sent to web service clients)

The “fix” was committed in XFIRE-594 But as usual, the documentation got shotgunned all over somewhere. What you need for inherited types, when you’re using annotations is:

@WebService(endpointInterface = "acme.package.ISomeInterface")
@ServiceProperties(properties = {
    @ServiceProperty(key="writeXsiType", value="true"),
    @ServiceProperty(key="overrideTypesList", list = {
public class SomeService implements ISomeInterface
    // blah
    SomeParentType someMethod();

Then, if you’re just using the simple config from Spring remoting You’re done!

JaxWs, Spring, and referencing the wsdl in a jar, not via http

Well, this was awkward. Spring provides a quite handy factory class for creating JaxWs clients with JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean

The config is quite simple really, you just do:

<bean id="partnerProxy" class="org.springframework.remoting.jaxws.JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean">
        <property name="serviceInterface" value=""/>
        <property name="wsdlDocumentUrl" value="http://localhost:8088/mockConanPartnerBinding?WSDL"/>
        <property name="namespaceUri" value="http://is.vf.conan/1.0/"/>
        <property name="serviceName" value="ConanPartnerService"/>
        <property name="portName" value="ConanPartnerPort"/>

The “namespaceUri”, “serviceName” and “portName” are all boiler plate, that you have to extract from the wsdl, and shouldn’t really have to specify, but whatever, it’s boiler plate.  “serviceInterface” has to already exist.  You  have to have generated the types and interfaces before hand. But, if you’re doing wsdl first development, and you’re reading this, you already have all that. (Update 2010-07: If you don’t want to type in all that boiler plate (and who does), see: Spring JaxWS clients with less config)

Here in the office, we have a client jar, which contains the generated types and interfaces, and the wsdls themselves.  This is easy to distribute, and lets you add in support for a new service by simply dropping in a new client jar. (The jar is made with maven, using the jaxws-maven-plugin and it’s wsimport goal)

All well and good. Except. You can’t start this application unless that wsdl is up and available. You can add

        <property name="lookupServiceOnStartup" value="false"/>

Which is certainly a good start, but what if my endpoint doesn’t actually provide the wsdl at runtime? What if the ?wsdl url suffix doesn’t work here.

Well, we have two options:

  1. Have a server running all the time to provide the wsdl, and use the “endpoint” property to specify the final destination. (yuck)
  2. Have the proxy factory reference the WSDL inside that client jar.

You will see in some docs that you can do things like this:

<property name"wsdlDocumentUrl" value="classpath:blah.wsdl"/>

This works, if the wsdl can be found. If you have the wsdl in the same class structure as the rest of your code, this is probably all you need. But if your wsdl is inside a jar in the classpath, well, I tried lots of singing and dancing, but couldn’t work out how to make a url that pointed reliably to the wsdl inside the jar. :( This made me very sad.

I really don’t like having to override things, but well…. Here’s an extended spring factory bean. You now must use the endpoint property, plus the new property “localWsdlName” as well as “lookupServiceOnStartup = false” I was going to be using endpoint properties anyway, to make it nice and easy to switch out the different test environments we use, so that was not a big problem.

“localWsdlName” refers to the path inside the jar. It _should_ be able to be a “classpath:blah” reference as well, but it’s all relative to the jar that provides the service interface.

public class VodafoneJaxWsFactoryBean extends JaxWsPortProxyFactoryBean {
    private String localWsdlName;
    public void afterPropertiesSet() {
        // This will be a looonnng file:// url, reaching into the jar 
        // holding the service interface
        URL url = getServiceInterface().getResource(localWsdlName);
    public void setLocalWsdlName(String localWsdlName) {
        this.localWsdlName = localWsdlName;

And the new config you need to use this…

    <bean id="partnerProxy" class="is.vf.conan.VodafoneJaxWsFactoryBean">
        <property name="serviceInterface" value=""/>
        <property name="endpointAddress" value="http://localhost:8088/mockConanPartnerBinding"/>
        <property name="localWsdlName" value="/conanPartner.wsdl"/>
        <property name="lookupServiceOnStartup" value="false"/>
        <property name="namespaceUri" value="http://is.vf.conan/1.0/"/>
        <property name="serviceName" value="ConanPartnerService"/>
        <property name="portName" value="ConanPartnerPort"/>

There you have it! If you have everything in one big blob project, you don’t need this, just specify the localWsdlName as “classpath:blah” and you’re done.