Some time ago I got an ID12 RFID reader module from Sparkfun, during their free day. I had some 2mm socket headers lying around from an xbee project, and finally got around to trying this thing out. Sparkfun sells a “breakout”, but in my mind it’s a bit of a failure, as it takes up too much space for easily mounting on a breadboard.
I integrated the LED indicator of a successful read onto the board, and only the useful headers for the ID12 and ID20 modules. It’s much narrower, so easier to use on a breadboard. My board is only ~39mm x 19mm, designed to fit over the channel on a regular breadboard, yet still leave space for plugging wires in. Sparkfun’s is 25mm x 25mm. There’s not much too the design really,
This board was laid out to be made on a milling machine, so there’s no silkscreen text, it’s all in the copper layer instead, and it avoids assuming plated through holes, but it would work just fine manufactured normally. The LED circuit is surface mount, but you can ignore that completely by just not populating those parts.
You can get the eagle files in my github repository
Consider the license to be public domain, or your choice of BSD/MIT/X11.
I’ve only found one RFID card in my wallet that it can actually read, turns out there’s more rfid standards than I thought!
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