version control of tools

Ahh, it’s always the right thing to do, but normally it’s so heavy to check in things like GCC/Binutils versions into every project. It’s the sort of thing you do if you’re a big serious company, working on big serious things, with big serious support. Besides, I’m not relying on anything weird or esoteric right?


../../common/pjrc/usb_debug_only.c:96:45: error: variable 'device_descriptor' must be const in order to be put into read-only section by means of '__attribute__((progmem))'
static uint8_t PROGMEM device_descriptor[] = {

Thanks for nothing avr-gcc updates. I understand what you’re getting at, but still, this used to compile, and put things in PROGMEM. Now it fails the compile. GCC bug in question is, or at least, that’s where it came from. A nice case of, “everybody’s using this code, but it was never actually meant to work, so let’s make it fail for them all, like it was meant to anyway.”

Compilers are awesome.

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